Patients who are cared for in rooms with medical furniture that prevents the spread of germs are less likely to get sick.

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New Study Finds That Medical Furniture Can Help Reduce the Risk of Hospital-Acquired Infections

A new study published in JAMA has found that patients cared for in rooms equipped with medical furniture are less likely to get sick.

The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, looked at data from over 10,000 patients who were admitted to a hospital. The patients were randomly assigned to rooms that were either equipped with medical furniture or not.

The researchers found that patients who were cared for in rooms with medical furniture were 20% less likely to develop a hospital-acquired infection. This means that for every 100 patients who were cared for in a room with medical furniture, 20 fewer patients would develop an infection.

The researchers believe that the medical furniture helped to reduce the risk of infection by making it easier for healthcare workers to clean and disinfect the patient’s environment. The furniture also had fewer crevices and nooks where bacteria could hide.

This study is the first to show that medical furniture can help to reduce the risk of hospital-acquired infections. The findings could have a significant impact on the prevention of infections in hospitals, which are a major problem in the United States.

How Medical Furniture Helps to Reduce the Risk of Infection

There are a number of ways in which medical furniture can help to reduce the risk of infection. First, the furniture is designed to be easy to clean and disinfect. The surfaces are smooth and hard, which makes it difficult for bacteria to adhere. The furniture also has few crevices and nooks where bacteria can hide.

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