Our Medical & Healthcare Furniture

dining areas in healthcare facilities have specific requirements.

  • Dining tables and chairs:
    1. Tables should be height adjustable to suit different mobility needs. Sturdy bases prevent tipping over. Non-slip, waterproof table tops for easy cleaning.
    2. Chairs should be padded, provide back support and have lockable castors or non-slip legs. Some bariatric and wheelchair accessible.
    3. Arrange tables and chairs to provide open spaces for walking frames, wheelchairs and trolleys. But also allow some privacy. Cluster in small groups.
  • Meal delivery trolleys:
    1. Used to serve and collect meals hygienically. Stainless steel construction with compartments for hot and cold foods, cutlery, crockery, etc.
    2. Height adjustable shelves and push handles for easy serving and maneuvering. Locking wheels when stationary.
    3. Covers to keep meals heated or chilled as required. Temperature regulated to maintain food at safe holding temperatures.
  • Beverage and snack stations:
    1. Include refrigerators, microwaves, hot water boilers, toasters, etc. for patients and visitors.
    2. Supplies for tea, coffee, water, packaged snacks, Cutlery, mugs, paper plates, etc.
    3. Wipe-clean countertops and floors. Clearly marked allergen-free areas in some cases.
  • Suitable flooring:
    1. Non-slip, waterproof and easy to clean – e.g. linoleum, vinyl, rubber sheeting. Prevent slips and make cleanup of spills efficient.
    2. Avoid loose rugs. Secure any edges to the floor to prevent tripping.
  • Adequate space for unobstructed walking paths and emergency access. Wheelchair-accessible routes to entryways and amenities.
  • Staff pantry facilities:
    1. Include areas for hand-washing, preparation, storage and waste disposal. Commercial fridges, cookers, washers, etc. depending on meal provision methods.
    2. Ventilation, temperature and vermin control important for hygiene. Regular deep cleaning routines required.

A pleasant, homely environment can make meals more enjoyable and help stimulate patients’ appetites. But infection control is always the priority in healthcare.
  • +86-13560367688
  • +86-13602464436

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